🔥 10 Squeeze Pages Setup for You (plus Aweber, Email ARs, PDFs, CB Branding and more!)

Published: Mon, 03/25/19

Hey there!

If you weren't already aware, you can
now get your entire list building
campaigns setup for you.

You won't need to come up with original
product titles, write persuasive sales
copy, create mobile-responsive landing
pages, design attention-grabbing covers
or any of that creative and technical
stuff because it's all done for you.


Here's a quick look at what you'll get
with this unique setup...

* 10 squeeze pages setup for you on the
most popular and evergreen internet
marketing topics including... mindset,
traffic generation, blogging, list
building, affiliate marketing, social
media, product creation, niche
marketing, copywriting and email
marketing! Each topic has been
carefully selected to ensure your
marketing funnels will NEVER go stale.

* Mobile-responsive landing pages with
2-step optin process and progress bar
to maximize your signup rates. Each
landing page has been carefully coded
to look good on any desktop monitor,
laptop, tablet, smartphone and
everything in between. Font sizes will
change, cover graphics will resize,
background images will appear or
disappear and the page layout will
adapt depending on what device is
viewing it.

* 10 giveaway reports branded with your
affiliate IDs so you continue to
profit. Every report is expertly
written and titled in a way that
provides actionable content without
overwhelming your readers. We'll also
rebrand your reports with your
ClickBank affiliate IDs which promotes
our best performing sales funnel. Your
subscribers will love you for it and be
so glad they signed up with you.

* 10 stunning looking graphic covers to
attract signups like wildfire. We put
countless hours into designing attract
cover graphics to make you look like a
real pro who knows the subject inside
out. Together with your sales copy,
your visitors will find it really hard
to resist your free offer.

* 70 follow-up emails added to your
Aweber account (7 emails per squeeze
page system). Now you'll be able to
keep in touch with your subscribers
and deliver valuable content to them
over the span of 2 weeks without
lifting a finger!

* Subscriber list campaign added to
your Aweber account and optimized for
maximum signups. No need to learn how
to setup a list campaign, no need to
learn what settings to adjust, no need
to learn how to add autoresponders into
your list. It's all done for you.

* Reports delivered to your subscribers
via email to discourage fake email
address inputs. Every report is
delivered to your subscriber within
your autoresponder. This discourages
visitors from entering false email
addresses and ensures you're building a
quality list and getting the highest
open rates.

* Follow up emails personalized with
your name, website and affiliate links.
Every email that gets sent to your
subscribers will have your name,
website name, and cloaked affiliate IDs
inside. You'll be able to provide
useful content and turn a profit

* Everything professionally setup for
you within 7 working days. No need to
go through a ton of tutorials. No need
to experiment and second-guess what
you're doing. Now you can take
advantage of this expert service and
have EVERYTHING done correctly from day
one so you can start promoting your
landing pages and build your list
without complete confidence.

Be sure to check out the entire package
for yourself from the link below. If
you take a closer look at each landing
page, look at the design and read the
sales copy, and have the slightest urge
to sign up, then you'll know that the
system works and will build your list.


To Your Success,