⚠️ 10x (years) WebHosting?? Don't fall for this BS!

Published: Mon, 04/29/19

Hey there!

I really wanted to "laugh" when I heard the "review" of 
10x Hosting by some of the "honest" marketers out there...

He said that the offer has only 1 thing he disliked: you need
your own domain! (what????)

What would you think about it? He thinks his customers and 
subscribers are "dumb" or even "stupid" - what good is a webhosting
if you don't have your own domain????

Now I bought this hosting for 10 years for one-time fee myself!

It's got good price on that, but there's ONE BIG catch there though!

You can see it on the sales page:

- 12 hours premium support! 

What?? If you run a serious business online, you absolutely don't want 
to wait 12 hours until your site is back up and running!

(update: they just changed that for just "premium support" on the sales page ha-ha)

I can't imagine this "honest" marketer having this kind of web hosting
for his serious business site(s)! Sure, he runs it somewhere else...


If you have lots of "side" blogs and websites you can put up in a short time
and that are not crucial for your business - this type of hosting can be a good deal.

Check it out here!

10 years of hosting covered.

To Your Success,

P.S. I put up another of monthly free sites, that  kind of sites would be perfect
for having that hosting! You can upload a brand-new site there every month.

(costing you just this one-time hosting and ten bucks or so for the domain!)

Get you free monthly sites here.

(the latest site demo is here)

Enjoy your day and read/watch carefully the "reviews"....