๐Ÿ‘ Keeping Your Business Relevant During a Pandemic + My New Fully Automated Blog How-To + Interview with B. Glazer!

Published: Mon, 04/06/20

Hey there,

I hope you and your family is ok!

I have several things for you today,
first of all here's an article on

Keeping Your Business Relevant During a Pandemic


Most of the time during the last week I spentย 
by installing, configuring and (lots of) testing
my new (several) blogs, e.g. this one:


It auto-populates the blog with relevant
YouTube videos and it's quite amazing!

Either you can use:

WP Content Factory

or my personal choice:

Youtube Poster

I've tested both, the latter seems to be
more complex and offers MUCH more features!

Check it out if you have time :)

... and if you'd like to listen to an interview
with some famous marketing strategist, here it is:

Bill Glazer Interview

Enjoy the interview, the tips and...

Take action TODAY!


P.S. Here's a bonus tip:

How to grow your list with PLR!




