😍 Best Black Friday Deals Worth Checking Out!

Published: Fri, 11/27/20

Hey there!

Here are the best deals I found and think are worth checking out:

1) Vidnami

Super online app to create videos for all your articles, PLR articles, etc.
to promote whatever you wish on your sales pages, YouTube, Vimeo, etc.!

Great even for newbies! Intuitive interface. The online video creator you'd ever need :)

2) Free PLR by Tools For Motivation!

Nice 5-part bundle for self help / growth niche. No cost. ;)

3) Huge Catalog of PLR Articles & Reports

Coupon Code: TIFFBF60 to get your 60% 
all items from this wonderful PLR site!

(even the lifetime one-payment membership for ALL things inside)

4) Web Hosting at SiteGround: 75% Off - Yearly Price!

Here you can get the hosting I personally use for 75% off their price!
Choose "growth big" for unlimited sites! Great value and savings.

Plus here are my 2 Black Friday Deals:

5) Automated List Profits! (See the Black Friday deal)

2 brand-new reports with PLR each month for life!! I use the reports
to build my lists. For years. Great stuff. Worth checking out.

6) PLR a Day (1 PLR each day for life!)

Just 1 buck per week! 1 PLR every day :)

That's all folks. Enjoy and have a great day! :)


P.S. Be as quick as possible to get the deals! But do not buy something
you're not going to use! (but all deals are amazing ;)