👍 Money Making Recipe #2 is Up! Plus A Few Pro Tips :)

Published: Fri, 12/11/20

Hey there!

I've been busy by creating another "batch" of cool auto-updating sites,
but this new PLR review pack will be closed, so read my new "money making
recipe" where I use this package:

Money Making Recipe #2


The sites I've built (more than 20 to this day) are based on this formula:

Money Making Recipe #1

If you'd like to see my latest automated site, here it is:

Aweber Tutorials & Tips

This blog is even hosted on a f'ree hosting! ;) 

It will work for me because:

- it is auto updated with latest AWeber tutorials and tips
- it is updated with articles around auto responders
- it is auto rewritten by article spinner
- it's hosted for $0 

Just SET&FORGET - true system :)

Check It Out!


P.S. There will be 2 products released in Feb 2021 that will help
me & you even more !

1) YIVE Ranker : this will boost rankings for all your blogs (one-time payment, limited time)
2) YIVE Sites : these are various types of sites you can build and automate (one-time payment, limited time)

Now imagine how powerful your own network of automated blogs can be! Promote whatever you
want, all on auto-pilot! :) Don't say I didn't tell you... ;)