😍 Beautiful Sites from YT Videos & More!

Published: Thu, 12/17/20

Hey there!

I've been testing this new online app for the last couple of days,
so far it's amazing! :)

Check it out for yourself!

It takes any YouTube video you choose with subtitles
and automatically transcribe it into a post.

You can add your own content, of course, also your ads,
AdSense, etc... 

It allows adding a sign up form, creating lists and sending
emails to your subscribers.

All hosted for you, but you can download a file to your web host
so you can promote YOUR domain and not theirs!

The PRO version allows creating more sites - but there's an issue
I reported - when importing from channels. They're currently working
on fixing it.

In just a few minutes I created this mini site, it automatically imports
videos from a certain YT channel:

My Demo Site #1

... and if you're into Keto niche, here's another beautiful demo site:

Keto Demo Site #2

What do you think?

Get more details here!

It's worth checking out :)

Enjoy and have a great day.


P.S. There will be 2 products released in Feb 2021 that will help
me & you even more in terms of profits and rankings!

1) YIVE Ranker : this will boost rankings for all your blogs (one-time payment, limited time)
2) YIVE Sites : these are various types of sites you can build and automate (one-time payment, limited time)