🔥 Cool Tools For Your Business + Great Image Plugin for Your Blogs!

Published: Tue, 12/22/20

Hey there!

I have a couple of cool tips for you today :)

I hope you're safe and you can use them,
check out my resource page here:

Marian's Resource Page

Look for the Privacy Generator Software you can download
at no cost and use the generated text for all your blogs.


I found a new favorite image plugin that I'm going
to use for all my blogs! :)

It's called Image Drop, check out the details here.

It gives you an opportunity to use no cost images
for your blogs that you can edit with great features

and all images are hosted on the source server and not
yours - so it saves bandwidth and is just too cool to ignore.

Plus the author is very supportive and a real geek
so to speak.. :)

I love it when the quality of the product match
the support of the author! So rare these days.

Enjoy and have a great day, my friend :)


P.S. There will be 2 products released in Feb 2021 that will help
me & you even more in terms of profits and rankings!

1) YIVE Ranker : this will boost rankings for all your blogs (one-time payment, limited time)
2) YIVE Sites : these are various types of sites you can build and automate (one-time payment, limited time)