๐Ÿ˜ Instant Buy Buttons On (Not Only) For WP Sites + Affincome Training!

Published: Fri, 04/30/21

Hey there!

I love all the plugin Matt released so far...
and this one is no exception!

Check Out Instant Buy Button Plugin Here!

The best thing is you can use it for your PayPal
buttons on your WordPress blogs and all other sites
using a javascript code...

... and without even logging in to your PayPal account!

You just need to insert PP email - and set the priceย 
& thank you page - and you're done! :)

The plugin is well supported and always updated
to run with the latest WP installation.


On another note, I have this brand-new affiliate
training here - and it costs you just "peanuts" :)

Check The Affincome Training Now!

I hope you'll find it useful.ย 

To Your Success,



